From the depths of despair
December 10th, 2024
Destruction started without you!
Last november we’ve invaded Uden (NL) and we have destroyed this town C.O.M.P.L.E.T.E.L.Y !!!
Relive some of our devastating performance here:
July 31th, 2024
It's time to invade Germany!
Hellevaerder and their colleagues from The Chösen and Frontline despair will go into battle to bring the ultimate Dutch Black Metal to the world!
On the 26th of April 2025 we will invade Schwedt in Germany, near the border of Poland.
It wil be FAST but NOT silently!
JOIN US! – Order your tickets per e-mail HERE !!

April 26th, 2024
Join us on November 1st!
Dutch Black Metal band Asgrauw will be celebrating their new album release on November 1st with a live venue in De Pul (Uden, NL).
Hellvaerder and Zwart will be helping them to transform this evening into a rave-black ritual !
JOIN US! – Order your tickets HERE !!

March 14th, 2024
The deafening of silence...
The deafening of silence is the period before war!
The silence you hear is because we are preparing for our next attack!
We are working very hard on our next album release, that leaves us no time available for live performances for now.
So be prepared, war is coming!
Follow us on Facebook & Instagram for the latest updates!

December 13th, 2023
Still looking for Christmas gifts??
Take your chance and pre-order our special one-off design hoodie via Zwaertgevegt using THIS LINK!
Orders run until the December 31st, so be quick!!
More interested in a ear catching special limited edition production of our music?
Check out the jewel case of our split album ‘Verloren vertellingen’ via THIS LINK! Only 32 copies will be available!
So this will be your last chance to get this special joint album with Duindwaler, Asgrauw and Schavot!
For vinyl lovers there are still a few copies available through Zwaertgevegt and via the bands, but then the fun will be over…
In the meantime we are working hard as hell on our next album, and we are preparing for our next live performance which will be on January 26th at Musicon – The Hague (Netherlands)! There are still some tickets avaliable via THIS LINK.

October 13th, 2023
Hellevaerder on new split album release!
Hellevaerder has teamed up with Duindwaler, Asgrauw and Schavot to tell you the most fearsome lost tales in history!
Listen to these dark long lost tales on our new split album: VERLOREN VERTELLINGEN!
This masterpiece with the eight darkest songs you’ve ever heard has been released on 12″ vinyl and is available via Zwaertgevegt!

14th of March 2023
Celebrating life and worshipping death...
The baptism by fire of our new permanent bass player Luuk was a succes. We played our full length in it’s complete form for one of the last times at Blackfest in the WIllemeen venue in Arnhem, the Netherlands.
Again we have some great news: the 12” vinyl of ‘In de nevel van afgunst’ will be released at the 16th of March. This one time chance to get our masterpiece on vinyl will be released through our bandcamp or through Zwaertgevegt!
Up next is the Herrie festival, Alkmaar on the 18th of May 2023. We will be playing new music.
Also we are working on new material to be released this year on vinyl…

21st of january 2023
and the wolves howled
We played the first show of 2023 at the Wolfsonic festival at ‘De witte wolf’ metalcafe. We had a blast, even while missing our guitarist Bas due to health issues. Our next stop is BLACKFEST III at the Willemeen venue in Arnhem, this time the entire gang will be present!
This was also the last show our bassplayer Valentijn van der Poll played with us, he helped us out by taking up bassduty’s after Rene’s departure. Valentijn will remain active for Hellevaerder in the background, as roadie and tech. Thank you our friend, and many more adventures to come!
On that note, we would also like to introduce our new permanent bassplayer: Luuk Steemers. Luuk is ex-bassplayer and current guitarist in the Dutch thrashdeath band Infantry. We welcome him with open arms and are looking forward to what the future brings us. Luuk will get his baptism by fire during the Blackfest gig.

1st of january 2023
Maybe this year...
We from Hellevaerder wish you all a painful death this year. Come see us at one of our planned shows, or get in contact with us to book us for some shows!
6th of december 2022
belgium conquered
We have played our first international gig last saturday. It was a very busy but very fun weekend and we loved almost every minute of it. This was the last gig of this year and we are getting ready to conquer the mighty wolf at Wolfsonic in January.
Er is verslag gemaakt van de hele avond en er zijn meerdere toffe foto’s (door Patsker Omaer Beguin) online geplaatst van deze avond. Lees deze HIER.

27th of november 2022
Death reigns over north-holland
We want to thank everyone at JC Kompleks and the B3 in Sint Pancras for the 2 amazing nights. During our two rituals we gave you all a glimpse of what is to come… You are worth nothing, death is liberating!
Next up: Pit’Zwart at the 3rd of December, time to show the Belgians how to summon death.

30th of october 2022
Bringers of darkness
The first two live rituals have been completed. Two shows in two days was tough but very rewarding. We want to thank everyone who attended and we hope to play in front of you all soon again.
Our next show will be a home game: UNLEASH THE VORTEX!
Do you want us to summon the Hellevaerder in your town? Message us through our contact page or on Facebook.
Celebrate life, Worship death

13th of September 2022
You are unworthy
We have decided to release our first demo ‘Aan de aarde teruggegeven’ on digipack cd. This will be an one time limited release made of 50 pieces handnumbered. Make sure to grab your copy through our Bandcamp or during one of our live shows before they are gone!
We are ready to bring our message of death to your hometown. Do you want us to summon the Hellevaerder in your town? Message us through our contact page or on Facebook.
Celebrate life, Worship death

5th of august 2022
Another great score and more!
To start off this month well we have been published by Danish magazine Metalized with an interview and a review. We scored great with a 9 out of 10, one of our best scores so far! We are proud to be the bringers of death and hope you will all perish soon.
On a less hatefull note, we have released a new shirt design! Available in S, M, L and XL. See the design below. It can be bought through our bandcamp . This release is limited to 50 pieces in totall so grab yours soon!

12th of July 2022
Line-up change!
Today our bassplayer Rene Meijer decided to leave the band. This choice weighted heavy on the entire band, but we support him in it.
We all live very busy lifes and can only do that much besides work. Rene could not give our band the time that he thinks it deserves and prefered to step down so we can keep growing.
We all have a deep respect for him for what he did for the band and will remain a very close contact to us. And above all, we truly support him with his other band Eyecloser. Go check them out at their website. Thank you Rene for everything you did for us and for what you mean to us!
On the same time we want to welcome Valentijn van der Poll to the Hellevaerder team. He will be picking up the bass and will add backing vocals from here on out. Valentijn is a very experienced and skilled musician that is also playing in the band Serotonia as guitarist and vocalist.
Celebrate life, worship death

6th of July 2022
Hellevaerder live at 'Guitars of the valley'
We had a blast being live on air at Guitars of the Valley! Daan Bleumink and Arjen Kleiss talked about the debut and the other projects/bands the Hellevaerder members have. We want to thank Vincent van Dijk for having us and we hope to come back to GotV in the future!
Missed the live oppertunity? No worries! The entire show is uplouded on Mixcloud!

19th of June, 2022
'In de nevel van afgunst' keeps scoring high!
Our newest album keeps recieving many good scores!
Aardschok 8/10 (Magazine NL/BE)
Hate Meditations 8/10
Distorted sound magazine 7/10
Ave Noctum 7/10
Uitheems geduister (#190, no score)
We will also be published through Metalized Magazine on the August 2022 edition!
Thank you all for listening to our album and giving your opinion!

15th of June, 2022
To celebrate the good responses to the album we decided to give away a signed copy of ‘In the nevel van afgunst’!
But what must you do to enter this contest? It is very simple! Send us a message through here and tell us your favourite of the new album. The winner will be picked randomly on the first of July 2022.
2nd of June, 2022
Debut album well recieved
Our debut album ‘In de nevel van afgunst’ has been well recieved by many different media. Below you can find some links to reviews and an interview we gave on Throne of Absence.
We want to thank each one of you for giving our debut a spin and we love the support. Keep an eye out for more Hellevaerder!
1st of June, 2022
'In de nevel van afgunst' released!

‘In de nevel van afgunst’ has been released!
Our full length has finally been released and can be bought through the following links:
Cd – digipack available through our Bandcamp
Tape version through Zwaertgevegt
Patches and combi deals also through Zwaertgevegt
And later this year on 12” vinyl, more info on that soon!
We can also be played through all streaming services! Go give us a like and follow!
‘In de nevel van afgunst’ contains seven tracks:
Je bent niks waard
Donder dwalen
uit het vuur getrokken
In de nevel van afgunst
Nieuw licht
gemarteld & verdronken
vergeten – verloren
You are worthless, death is liberating.
Celebrate life – Worship death
Hail Hellevaerder!
28 may 2022
In de nevel van afgunst
New album release!
At present, HELLEVAERDER and ZWAERTGEVEGT are thrilled to announce the debut album by the Dutch black metallers of HELLEVAERDER called ‘IN DE NEVEL VAN AFGUNST’, and shall be released on June 1st, 2022 on the following formats: CD / DIGITAL / MC / LP. A preview of the album can now be streamed at Black Metal Promotion.

The first full-length release by Dutch black metal formation Hellevaerder lures you into foreboding depths with seven pitch black tracks. During those we will give you a look through our vision of darkness. We will drag you down into the deepest parts of our mind, body and soul and let the darkness devour you.
After two difficult Covid-years, the band has finished their first full-length. ‘In de nevel van afgunst’ brings you seven tracks that pull you into the depths. With a new stage image, the band will bring a dark ritual live and take you on a journey.
You are worthless, death is liberating.
Celebrate life – Worship death
Hail Hellevaerder!